Cats! The wonderful, magical, fantastic creatures!

Cats have always been special to me. Small, furry creatures full of love and wonder, cats are pretty amazing. Most people have a hard time realizing that. To most, cats are just animals that are good at taking care of themselves, low maintanence, sometimes chaotic, and extremely lazy.

What most people don't know, is cats can form strong bonds with their human companions just like dogs can. This can sometimes be harder depending on the cat, but take my cat for instance. He's constantly following me, constantly wanting to snuggle, and he's even found unique ways to communicate. Yes, you heard me correctly. He's formed his own "words" that correspond with our own language. Like, "food", for example. He also, I kid you not, knows how to say "Mama", and can and will scream it at me if he wants something.

Some cats are highly intelligent. Aside from creating their own words for different things to communicate to us what they want, but some can even learn tricks! My male cat knows how to open doors (and shut them), shake paws, come when called, and several other things. Oh, and his favorite thing? Messing with Mama's computer. He's not only deleted important emails and started new ones, but constantly opens up various programs, and Google searches things!

If you have a cat of your own and you're not really close, take time to get to know them. They may just surprise you. Talk to them. As silly as that may sound, you'd be surprised by how much they understand. My family swears up and down that my cat understands perfect English, and he'll give you sass if you say the wrong thing. I know they say dogs are "man's best friend", but I completely believe that everyone (who doesn't have allergies to them), should get to know a cat. Form a bond. They're amazing companions, and great listeners. Having them around also helps with anxiety! So spend time with your own cats, more than you normally would. Play with them, talk to them, and get to know them. They're smarter than you think. And if you don't have one of your own, go to the local shelter and spend some time with the kitties there. They need love too, and you'd make their day by visiting!